Rusty Rice, Brian Shoemaker and Tommy Lieberman (in back) kidnapping me on my 18th birthday. |
Kevin Noland and Sam with me on Graduation Day. |
Another birthday, this one at a pizza joint. I'm not going to remember all the names, but among this crew you'll find Brian, Tommy, Rika, Mee Hee, Steve Sanderson, Fernando, Rusty, Mike Spier, Sam and myself. I think Tran is also in the photo, but his face has been scratched off.
(In the photo. Not in real life.) |
When I finished Basic Training, I gave Eric some pointers in applying camouflage. The broken wrist is self-taught. |
Sam and I kickin it at Hanauma Bay. In the background are Cissy & Jon Barrett and Russ Duchaney.
Of course, Jon, being an asshole, isn't really a friend per se. But he had a cute wife, so photos were taken. |
Another Haunauma shot. Russ, Ed Fallen, Danielle Duchaney, James Miller, Sam & I, Cissy, asshole Barrett, and Bill Moore's cousin with the unrememberable name. (I guess Moore is the guy behind the camera.) |
Sam & I on the North Shore. |
Francis Danley, myself and Russ D. at the Honolulu Zoo. |
Sgt. Mike Pippin and myself on our first SCUBA outing after qualifying for C-cards. Sgt. Dave Lutz was also there, but is holding the camera for this shot. |
Lutz holds the camera again for Mike & myself.
I notice I'm always squinty in these outdoor shots. |
While on deployment to the environs of Ft. Huachuca, we were granted a day of leave to cross the border into Nogales. Jason Lytle, some girl with a glowing face, McGowan, Keebler, Asshole Barrett, myself, Anonymous Street Vendor, Cute Chick, and Russ Duchaney. |
A couple shots of aspiring Gonzo journalist Andrew Tyler, a friend from Sealy whom I bumped into in Houston a year or so after moving back into town. |
I won't remember all the names here either, but Greg, Cris, Dana and Andie are hard to forget. |
Jaima's always a lot of fun. |
MJ's couch as clown car. Myself, Mary Jo, Jennifer & Greg. |
Myself, Jenn, Eric, MJ, Ben, Greg, Andie & Dana. Jenn, as usual, is being a bit handsy. |
I'm capable of looking cheerful for minutes at a time. |
Before Bennifer, and before Brangelina, there was HollyBerry. |
Holly, the Dancing Queen, on a table in a bar in New York. |
Holly's principal contribution to my photo album is this fine shot of a New York New Year's Eve attendee demonstrating what partying is all about. |
The night we all switched heads. Good times, good times. |
We did eventually get things sorted back out. This was probably from Greg's housewarming party. |
Eric warily takes up station in the center of the room, eyeing the exits.
I don't actually know most of these people, but I can make out Myke (in white shirt) and MJ among the rabble. |
I'm only willing to take selfies when the camera obscures my face. Ben and Sindy are providing moral support. Taken at Greg's house. |
The only shot from our high school 20-year reunion in which I recognize more than one person. Rusty, left, and K.C., center. I believe that's her husband to the right. |
This appears to be from Ben's downtown apartment at the old Rice Hotel. Greg, MJ, Cris and a slice of Sindy. |
At Ben's place. Ben, Sindy, Dana, Greg & Cris. |
Greg and Ben are the two blurriest people I've ever met. |
Kristin's blinding bosom shades me from the blinding Round Rock sun. |
Can't place this guy's name either. But boiled in cajun seasoning with corn on the cob and potatoes, he was delicious.
Dana is the only recognizable face in this crowd, which appears to be hanging out at Greg's house. |
And now, a tribute to absent friends.
Alfred Montano, 1968-20012 |
Jeffrey Todd Andes, 1969 - 2005 |
Jay Catillo, 1973 - 1992 |
Eric Berglund, 1972 - 1992, with Pepper.
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